# Producing the score from amazon average reviews, likeness of people on those review, bags discount, age of product and price range by the date of manufactured ~
Score Graph
Customer Reviews
Reviews about the "Rolling Stone Magazine tote – Johnny Depp"
The Average Review score is 3.0 on a scale of 5.0. Total 2 reviewers are considered to generate the average review. Some of the new or latest reviews in Travel Totes might be helpful and interesting to you. This average review is fetched by Petricia Jonshon and posted on 29 June
3 stars
#3 Stars: 2 ,
[ 3.0 stars ]
"I bought mine at Wal-Mart on clearance years ago for $5. I wish I would have bought more since the price is so high now. I have been looking for one for a friend but I'm not paying $69. ..."
Courtesy by Amazon - The Travel Totes review is genenrated by b.workman
which was written on June 4, 2013 2 users liked the review and gave their verdict that this review was intuitive enough to select or buy the Travel Totes out of 2 users. Review fetched on October 2, 2014 by Bags Central.
[ 3.0 stars ]
"Holy buckets! Let the buyer beware. These bags were originally sold at Walmart for $12, then slashed to $3. Methinks some greedy hounds bought the bags in bulk and now want to pass on these outrages price hikes to an unsuspecting public. I say wait until the next fad comes rolling along and demand for these bags dips. Maybe then these whoremongers will actually sell them for what they are worth: $ ..."
Courtesy by Amazon - The Travel Totes review is genenrated by WickedQueen
which was written on July 1, 2010 2 users liked the review and gave their verdict that this review was intuitive enough to select or buy the Travel Totes out of 2 users. Review fetched on October 2, 2014 by Bags Central.
Average Review : 5.0 of 5.0, produced from 1 customer reviews.
Product Specification
Accessory Innovations
Accessory Innovations
Accessory Innovations
Accessory Innovations
Accessory Innovations
Rolling Stone Magazine tote - Johnny Depp
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